Wondrous Zaffrani machinery

Zaffrani headers of Italian origin are indispensable all-rounders in sunflower and maize harvesting – they are called called ‘wondrous machinery’ for a reason since they can ensure 100% quality as well as fast and easy harvesting.

Russian farmers rank sunflower as number one oil crop. Among other oil plants, sunflower occupies 70% of acreage and provides 85% of gross yield.

‘Everyone knows that sunflower seeds are an incredibly popular product’, says Aleksandr Yashchenko, Sales Representative of AgroCentreZakharovo Altai branch. ‘In our region, this crop is planted almost everywhere. Its high profitability results in permanently increasing sunflower acreage.’

However, producing a good yield is not enough – what is more important is to harvest the crop in a prompt, high-quality and timely fashion, and Zaffrani headers can give a helping hand to Altai farmers. The main advantage of this machinery is user-friendliness and high performance which reduces the harvesting time as much as it can.

‘The design features of the header make it possible to gather all sunflower heads enabling clean harvest even at the minimum height from the ground surface’, comments Dmitriy Semyonov, Sales Representative of AgroCentreZakharovo Altai branch. ‘The losses do not exceed 3%.’

Versatile Zaffrani headers can maximise the advantages of any combine and the harvesting speed can be up to 13 kmph. At Progress farming enterprise situated in Petropavlovskoye district, Altai area, three combines harvest up to 350 hectares per one shift.

‘This year, the sunflower harvesting campaign has ended pretty quickly in our fields’, shares with delight Pyotr Visloguzov, Manager of the enterprise. ‘We have sown 1,500 hectares with this crop and gathered it in five days with Zaffrani headers. Two KAMAZ trucks are always coupled with one header because one truck will not be able to cope with the task. Our harvesting period used to last for three weeks when we had six ordinary headers. Now the difference is clear and the results are amazing. We dream of purchasing the fourth header.’

AgroCentreZakharovo Altai branch has been cooperating with Zaffrani for more than four years. During this time, over 100 of the Italian headers have appeared in the fields of Altai area. No doubt their use helps to boost performance and increase profitability of agricultural companies.

‘Year after year, our liking for Zaffrani headers is growing stronger’, says Anton Didenko, Manager of Perspektiva farming enterprise located in Tretyakovksiy district, Altai area. ‘We seed 2,200 hectares with sunflower and harvest the yield with two headers. Next year, we are planning to double the acreage and purchase two more of these wondrous machines. They are truly worth this name since we have no worries with them.’

Zaffrani headers can be coupled with harvesters of any brands, the only important thing is to choose the right adapter. The header is operator-friendly and can be used even in rough conditions, for instance, when it freezes or when the soil is wet.

‘Driving a combine is always a pleasure for me’, relates Yevgeniy Bezmenko, Chief Engineer and one of the Managers of a family enterprise located in Volchikha district, Altai area. ‘Sometimes, sunflower harvesting can stretch into late autumn or early winter. However, nothing can stop the Zaffrani headers which have been flawlessly functioning at our enterprise for three years.’

The Italian brand also offers an ergonomic solution for maize harvesting – their headers gather this crop gently and fast, delicately pulling a cob down vertically in order to obtain the product with minimum losses. Relatively small header weight makes it possible to save fuel and extend the service life of the combine with which it is coupled. Zaffrani headers always offer reliable and high-quality assistance to agricultural producers.